The journey from
doctor to entrepreneur. A decade in ecosystem, still it isn’t easy. Felt
something is not right…
Fund raising was thousand-piece jigsaw and I was too trivial to
understand it. Few angel networks who would individually ask you to fill a
lengthy application form but, will hardly get you any response. As a founder, I
was high on energy and optimistic with every submission, which would die down
eventually. Somehow, I managed to raise initial rounds.
Fast-forward to 2022 when the ecosystem is mature, with plethora
of startups coming every year, no dearth of investors and government has opened
all arms to support growth. Interestingly the process to discover and connect
with investors however still remains the same and to my wonder the problem of
no hear back too has not changed.
When it comes to deep tech and disruptive tech ideas, it is even
bigger because large part of the investor ecosystem don’t understand tech
disruptions and their future possibilities. In a privately held survey, 87%
founders agrees that the fund-raising cycle in India still remains >4 months
with additional months if you represent deep tech.
We conceptualized Sanchi connect with a deep commitment to
enable scaling and democratization of Indian deep tech and emerging tech
solutions worldwide. This bold vision requires few corrective actions including
critical reduction in time spent on fund raising by founders, world class
talent access, reach within enterprise ecosystem and network of service
providers with capability to readily serve and meet expectation of startups.
Within first 20 days of MVP and inbox full of messages from
founders sharing their quick interaction stories on multiple fronts validated
our hypothesis. It’s great to read these letters, and the enthusiasm is our
fire now to make it happen at scale since it’s about all of US.
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